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Being committed to the path of yoga from a young age, opening a school in her image was the logical continuation of her journey. A place where her teachings could be transmitted and shared.

Lisa wishes to inspire humans to fully inhabit their body where she believes all answers can be found.


Yoga gave her the incentive to venture out into the world, where she was able to explore, train and teach. Her curious nature allowed her to learn other parts of the vast and ancient universe of yoga, from different perspectives. Lisa thrived throughout her travels to India, Nepal, Indonesia and other countries.


Her training with her teacher and guide Hervé Blondon, in addition to her travels and experiences, helped her define her intentions and deepen her vision to offer today a space where teaching is integrated into her practice.

'I wish to honor the world as it is, celebrating the increasing and decreasing evolution of humanity.'

Lisa Bain

Founder and Teacher


2011 Teaching training. Level 1.300h. Satyam Hatha Yoga School with Hervé Blondon


2012 Pilates training. Anie


2012 Jyoti training. Level 2. 100h. (Help relationship based on the philosophy of yoga). Satyam Hatha Yoga School with Hervé Blondon


2012 Training in Pre and Postnatal Yoga. 35h. Satyam Hatha Yoga School with Lidjia Segon


2014 Chakra training. 100h. Satyam Hatha Yoga School with Hervé Blondon


2015 Restorative yoga training. 35h. Satyam Hatha Yoga School with Hervé Blondon.

2016 Taught at the Auria Yoga School (Satyam France) in Lagny sur marne, France

2016 Taught at Primary School in India in a remote division near Calcutta

2016 Yoga Philosophy training. Divine Yoga Institute, Nepal

2017 Pranayama Teacher training, Open Sky Yoga, Rochester, NY with Francois Raoult

2017 Rebozo training in Perinatal care

2018 The art of teaching with Francois Raoult. Satyam Hatha Yoga School

2019 Return taught at Auria Yoga School (Satyam France), Lagny sur marne, France

2019 Continuum Movement with Linda Rabin. Satyam Hatha Yoga School

2020 Yoga Mudras Satyam Hatha Yoga School by Amrita Choudhury. A compassionate therapeutic approach to healing and good health

2020 `` Yoga Myths '' Trained in virtual session, with Judith Hanson Lasater, PhD, PT. Recognized worldwide.

2021 Plans to have completed Yoga Therapy Training in 2023. Taught by Ellen G. Horovitz, PhD, Open Sky Yoga School, Rochester NY.


After studying contemporary dance and a few years of yoga practice, Valérie began training at the Satyam School of Hatha Yoga with Hervé Blondon in April 2017. She completed her basic certification there and immediately followed up with a component more specific on the anatomy and pathologies.

Since then, she has nourished her process through teaching, personal practice and continuing education through retreats, courses and workshops, with teachers who inspire her.

More recently, women's health and perinatal care have fueled her research and reflections. Her process of exploring feminine processes stems from the desire to support women in the embodiment of their full potential and in the optimization of their health. It is at the beginning of 2021 that she will be very happy to begin a birth support training program, which will perfectly complement her professional practice.

Valérie offers inclusive classes in which everyone can respect their own pace and explore their possibilities. Navigating an outer system that promotes speed and performance, she sees yoga as offering us great opportunities to allow ourselves to slow down on the inside in order to meet and reveal ourselves through new paradigms. She wishes to transmit the art of yoga with integrity, in addition to accompanying you with listening and sensitivity on this path that is yours.

“Because slowing down, feeling, taking care of yourself, loving yourself, you can learn and cultivate! Yoga is a great ally in creating space in the body, mind and heart. Practiced with sincerity, it offers us the possibility of redefining ourselves each time by honoring the changing nature of our being. ”




2018 Satyam School of Hatha Yoga, Satyam 1 Training, 216h, Montreal

In addition to this, you need to know more about it.

2018 Satyam School of Hatha Yoga, Hervé Blondon, Anatomy and Pathologies Training, 70h, Montreal

In addition to this, you need to know more about it.

2018 Satyam School of Hatha Yoga & Open Sky yoga center, François Raoult, Art of Teaching Training, 8 p.m., Montreal

In addition to this, you need to know more about it.

2019 Teaching at Auria Yoga School, Lagny sur Marne, France

In addition to this, you need to know more about it.

2019 Yoga retreat and creative journal, François Raoult & Nathalie Alvarez, Stromboli, Italy

In addition to this, you need to know more about it.

2019 Teaching at the ÉTS sports center, Montreal

In addition to this, you need to know more about it.

2019 “Iyengar yoga practice” with Father Joe Pereira, United Yoga, Montreal

In addition to this, you need to know more about it.

2020 Yoga Retreat, with Father Joe Pereira, Kripa Foundation, Goa, India

In addition to this, you need to know more about it.

2020 Virtual seminar “Teaching yoga”, Judith Lasater and Lizzie Lasater, 8 p.m.

Christian photo profil.jpg

Christian enseigne le yoga avec la certitude que le corps qui nous est donné est remplie de ressources depuis toujours, peu importe sa forme et sa condition.

Sensible et bienveillant, Christian veut, grâce au yoga, mettre en lumière nos vulnérabilités et notre véritable nature, nos fragilités et aussi notre force,  mettre nos limites au service de notre créativité et transformer nos fausses croyances en ouverture d'esprit.

Christian pense sincèrement et humblement  que le yoga contribue à la beauté, la paix et la liberté dans le monde, une posture, une respiration et une méditation à la fois. Lâcher prise enfin, pour s'activer et se mettre au service de l'humanité. C'est urgent et ça commence aujourd'hui, ici maintenant dans notre pratique du yoga ! 

" je pense que le yoga est d'abord une affaire de bonté, par conséquent, être une bonne personne à chaque jour  c'est aussi faire du yoga à chaque jour... 




2015 Formation professorale de Yoga. École Satyam de Hatha Yoga. Hervé Blondon

2016 Formation en yoga Prénatal. École Satyam Hatha Yoga. Lidjia Segon

2016 L'art d'enseigner avec François Raoult. École Satyam Hatha Yoga

2016 Yoga sur Chaise avec Nathalie Perret

2016 Formation professoral Satyam II

2017 Continuum mouvement avec Linda Rabin. École Satyam Hatha Yoga

2017 Formation Rebozo en Périnatalité

2018 Apprendre à méditer avec Fabrice Midale École Occidentale de Méditation

2018 Enseigné chez Auria Yoga École Satyam de France à Lagny-sur-Marne.

2020 Mudras du yoga École Satyam Hatha Yoga par Amrita Choudhury. Une approche thérapeutique compatissante pour la guérison et la bonne santé


J’ai commencé à pratiquer le yoga postural par curiosité dès ma jeunesse et j’ai compris immédiatement que cette pratique m’entraînait que du bien-être physique etmental.


Au fil du temps, j’ai développé l’amour et le désir de connaître plus sur cette discipline et sa philosophie.


Pour moi, c'est un honneur de pouvoir partager les bontés du yoga tout en contribuant à que cette tradition continue parmi nous, et, surtout en montrant toute ma reconnaissance à cette pratique pour tout ce qu’elle a fait et continue à faire pour moi. 




2022: Formation Professionnelle en enseignement du Yoga Hatha et Vinyasa. (380 hres.) à la Sangha Montréal.


Ayant complété ma formation professorale formation auprès de Joséphine Vittoria, de l’Institut Yoga Essentiel, à Montréal, je suis grandement inspirée par les enseignements de la méthode Iyengar.  Depuis toujours, je m’intéresse au « mouvement »; comment l’adapter, comment l’intégrer dans le désir de créer plus d’espace et de bien-être, au quotidien.   

C’est avec humilité et joie que je vous invite à venir connecter avec votre corps, votre souffle et votre moment présent. 




2023 Formation Yoga énergétique (Nadras et Chakras) avec Amrita Choudhury  

2023 Formation Pranayama (yoga of Breath)  & Nadaa (Yoga of sound) avec François Raoult 

2022 Formation Anatomie et Biomécaniques par Julie Devaud 

2022 Introduction au sanskrit par Mirabai Mosca 

2022 Introduction Ayurveda par Yogesh Van Acker 

2022-2023 Formation professorale avec Joséphine Vittoria Institut Yoga Essentiel 

2015 Formation plancher pelvien 

2010 Formation entraineur Cardio Plein Air 




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